Friday, September 4, 2015

New Fit Pics!

I took some fitness pictures yesterday that I am quite proud of. Though my original ideas did not pan out, I’m still happy with these. It’s hard to be your own photographer, and subject. For me, fitness photos are so much more than just showing off your body. It’s a way to celebrate hard work, and appreciate the positive changes that are happening. Most people probably think I’m a bit narcissistic when I post these, but I don’t care. I want to remember this time in my life. I just see strength, passion, dedication, and commitment when I look at these photos. It shows me such a different side of myself. If I ever lose my way, or need reminding, I want to be able to pull these out to show myself that I can do anything I set my mind to. Not everything is done with superficial intentions. Sometimes, you have to create your own motivation. To me, this is mine.


The best thing I’ve learned throughout the last three months is that it’s important to empower people.  Being able to tell someone they look great, and commend them on a job well done is major.  Jealousy no longer exists. If I want something, then I work to get it. That doesn’t mean I put others down on the way up. Part of living a clean, and healthy lifestyle means your mind is clean too. Strength isn’t just physical. I’m strong enough to compliment someone who is rocking it because I want everyone to be successful, and feel just as good as I do. This feeling is absolutely contagious, so if you start spreading it around, others will catch on, and do the same. The worst thing that can happen is we have less miserable people in the world. That doesn’t sound like such a bad thought, now does it?


Friday, August 28, 2015

Countdown to competition review

For the last five days, I’ve followed Autumn’s countdown to competition meal plan. I didn’t stagger it inside of my 21 day fix extreme meal plan like she suggests in the guide. I did the countdown competition for all five days. I wanted to give my review of this meal plan because I don’t see a lot of people using it. I know I had no knowledge of what the benefits entirely were until I started my journey. I hope you all find this to be helpful!

Before I started this plan, I did a ton of prep. I figured out what bracket I was in and how many containers I could have just like you would with the regular fix programs. In case anyone cares to know, I was in the second bracket, which meant I could eat 7 reds, 4 greens, 1 yellow, and 3 spoons. “Holy shit” was my initial reaction. I knew it would be hard to cut out purple containers because I primarily use those for snacks. What the hell did I get myself into? I built out a meal plan that allowed me to eat throughout the day. I’ve done low carb diets before that were hell on my body. I was always left exhausted and weak by the end of them. (Autumn suggests that if you do feel this way, you should go back to the regular fix meal plan) Below is the plan I came up with for the week:

Meal 1:


Meal 2:

Pumpkin Pie oatmeal (I kissed my 1 and only yellow good-bye fairly early in the day)

Meal 3

Chicken salad with no dressing (FML)

Meal 4

Eggs with green and red peppers

Meal 5

Greek yogurt with 1 teaspoon of peanut butter

Meal 6

Chicken, green beans, cottage cheese, and a small salad (and no effin dressing)

Meal 7

I switched this one up quite a bit through the week. I did shakeo protein balls, shakeo pancakes, or greek yogurt with the rest of my spoons.

Not bad, right? It seems like a lot of food, but by the end of it, I was dragging ass. Exhausted and beaten down are nicer terms to use for how I actually felt. It did work though. I went away for a mini vacation the weekend before I started. I had some bloat on top of my abs that I knew I needed to get rid of. I had fallen off track a bit, so knew I needed to do something drastic to re-focus. This was what I considered drastic. I lost an inch off of my waist in the first 3 days. I could have probably stopped then because the bloat decreased, but I decided to continue through the work week. I had all of the food prepped, so why the hell not? By the last two days, I was pretty beat up. My workouts were suffering, which Autumn considers a big no-no. I pushed on though because I wanted to reach my goal.

I realized that I am pretty disciplined when I put my mind towards something. It made me feel good, and gave me a new pep in my step towards coaching, and my fitness goals. It felt good to challenge myself too. I think a lot of us, especially coaches, lose that in this business. We forget that we were once starting out too with big fitness goals, and dreams. This showed me that I still do have big fitness goals, and dreams, and that it isn’t necessarily always about helping other people. Sometimes, it’s okay to focus on yourself. I still matter too, which is why I got into this business in the first place. I put myself so far down on the totem pole, that my health no longer had rank. I started to do that again through coaching. I put everyone else above me, pushed hard for them, cheered them on, but forgot about myself.  I forgot that I do have a team of people rallying behind me that still want to see me succeed as much as they want to see themselves succeed too. It was a necessary eye-opener. I feel back on track 100%.

So, I’m sure you’re wondering where I go from here. I’m not going to start loading up on those purple, yellow, blue, and orange containers now. I’ll slowly add some things back in. I just worked my ass off for the last 5 days. I don’t want it to all come undone now. I’ll go back to my 21 day fix extreme meal plan, but I’ll stagger some of these carb down days throughout the week. I’ll be smart about it though and not carb down on days that I plan on running. I need those carbs to push me through when I have more cardio on my list. Next week is my very last week in my 4th round. It’s also labor day weekend too. It’ll be tough, but I will get through it. I’ll carb down the day after to rid myself of anything gained over labor day weekend.

If anyone is considering trying this plan, my biggest advice would be to meal prep. Because you are limited in food choices, it’s hard to just have something you can grab off the shelf and go. I used to just grab a piece of fruit if I was running late, but I didn’t have that luxury this week. Shakeology was a big help because it tasted like a treat, but was still a red container. If you aren’t drinking Shakeology, but wanting to do this variation, I would think about investing in some kind of a protein, or considering getting Shakeology first. I was able to make some delicious shakes that saved me throughout the day, plus, I got crafty and made some dessert-like snacks that didn’t cost me my sole yellow container. The plan does work though. My abs are sticking out more than ever!  I could have went a bit lighter on the dairy. When Autumn follows this plan, she cuts out her dairy. I’m addicted to greek yogurt though, so I allowed myself that luxury. I also had a bit of unsweetened almond milk in my coffee. There was no way I could cut out coffee AND carbs. You would not want to know my name! If you want some quick results though, this is the way to go! Even three days of it will shrink you down quickly. Just be careful when you start adding back the carbs.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Let's talk about moderation!

All things are good in moderation, right? I’ve heard this floating around a lot from people who are using Beachbody products and those who are not. I think people misuse the word moderation. I can understand how. Moderation becomes an excuse and a reason to allow yourself to indulge. “I can have these cookies because it’s all in moderation, right?” Wrong.  Below is the actual definition of moderation.

ˌmädəˈrāSH(ə)n/ The avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one’s behavior.

If you invoke the moderation rule several times a week, then you aren’t really using it appropriately, are you? You’re just feeding a bad habit. To me, moderation means sparingly. Maybe you have cookies once a month, or one treat meal once a week. That doesn’t mean you throw caution to the wind for an entire weekend either. You aren’t moderating when you do that. I’ve had several discussions surrounding this topic lately. People defend their habits behind a lie of moderation, when really, they are just overindulging and not owning up to it. It isn’t my body that I’m wrecking, or my poor choices. It’s yours. When you start to question why you’re stuck in a plateau, not making any changes, or you just feel like shit look at all of your “moderations”. Are they holding you back? The answer is yes.

I read an amazing quote the other day. “You aren’t a dog, so stop rewarding yourself with food” Being healthy isn’t a punishment. I see people set goals all of the time that look like this: “If I make it through the first week, then I’ll let myself have a big burger this weekend” My question is WHY?! Why not  reward yourself with something else?  Maybe something that feeds into your motivation and overall goal. How about this instead, “If I make it through the first 21 days,  I’ll buy myself a pair of SMALLER jeans” I could list a hundred things that you can reward yourself with that are non-food related items. I understand that life is meant to be enjoyed. Have that piece (I SAID 1 PIECE) of birthday cake on your big day, or that celebratory meal after a promotion at work, but let it end there. Look at your week. If you have three birthdays, a wedding, and a bachelorette party,  choose wisely. Don’t MODERATE for every occasion. Pick and choose your battles. This is where the education comes into play behind having a healthy balance. This is what you’re building yourself up to learn throughout the course of any fitness and nutrition program.  Too much moderating in a week will undo all of the hard work you put in.

If you don’t buy it, then you don’t have it, right? I do not buy junk. I refuse to spend any money on crap. I save money because I only buy what we need.  I have a busy, hungry toddler, so snacks consist of fruit, graham crackers, and veggie straws.  That’s about all the “junk” you’ll find in my house. I do not purchase cookies, chips, cakes, ice cream, etc. It doesn’t mean I’m a bad mom either. Emerson isn’t deprived. He has his treats in MODERATION. Every Sunday, I take him to Dunkin Donuts to get a donut, while I enjoy a latte. All week, we stay on track and eat healthy meals and snacks. Sunday is our day to enjoy a little. Life is about enjoying. You really learn to appreciate the smaller things in life when you don’t have it in your face all of the time. It’s also a great way to control your budget. I spend roughly $4 every Sunday at Dunkin Donuts. Imagine if we spent money to eat out every night. It would be insane. I control our budget and our bellies by controlling how often we indulge.

I guess I just have a hard time understanding why anyone goes to the store and loads up on potato chips and crap. I don’t have money to spend foolishly like that. Ensuring we have breakfast, lunch, and dinner is far more important than having those little snack cakes. I hear people complain about money, but I also know they spend wildly at the grocery store. My grocery budget is constantly getting a makeover. I look at everything I buy and I ration with myself and ask if we really need it. Most of the time, we do. I’m proud of myself because I do make the best decisions for us money and health-wise at the grocery store. I can’t decrease our rent, or my car payment, but I can certainly control the dollars that are being spent in the store.

This brings me to the topic of Shakeology. I hear that it’s too expensive, but then I also see how much excessive garbage people are packing into their shopping carts. I don’t understand why anyone has to buy soda. If you came into my home, you’d find nothing to drink but milk, almond milk, and tap water. Occasionally, I do splurge on bottled water, but it isn’t often. I don’t buy juice, soda, etc. Emerson drinks water, or milk. The amount of money people spend on beverages is unreal! I can afford Shakeology because I’m smart about the way I’m spending my money in the grocery store. It’s a $4 meal that I have every day, which is a hell of a lot cheaper than any drive-thru . On top of that, the shakes taste like you’re drinking a milkshake for breakfast. Who doesn’t love that?! It cuts down on my cravings so much that I don’t even think about eating poorly in moderation. It feels like I’m cheating every day.

My perspective on food has changed so much over the last 2.5 months. I view it as a method of living. I need to eat to stay alive. I need to fuel my body properly, so that I can feel energized to keep up with my busy lifestyle. Food is no longer my entertainment, or hobby. There are times that I will enjoy something that I wouldn’t ordinarily eat, but that’s using proper moderation. I think society just needs to start viewing food as just food. We’d save a hell of a lot of money, and our bellies would benefit too.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

I was ashamed of losing 75lbs

Have you ever wanted something so badly, but had no idea how to get it? I have. For a long time, I had the worst self-doubt. I had absolutely no self-esteem either. After high school, I ballooned up to an incredible 189lbs. All my life, I was never a bigger girl. I fell somewhere in between. Before I knew it, my 140lb frame added a whopping 50lbs to it. I was 18 years old, a high school graduate, and in the worst shape of my life. I was in love though. I didn’t care. My boyfriend and I ate out all of the time. It was our hobby. There wasn’t much else for us to do unfortunately. Instead of taking a walk, or doing something outdoorsy, we’d go to Wendy’s, or  Starbucks. In fact, most of dates revolved around Barnes and Noble, then always ended in a coffee shop  drinking those delicious Frappuccinos. (Extra whip on mine).

In 2004, I couldn’t take it anymore. People were starting to talk about me. The stares I got were the worst. Don’t even get me started on pictures. Was that really me?! I had no idea what the hell to do though. Weight was not a topic of conversation. No one in my family had ever started a fitness program, nor did we even know where to begin.  11 years ago, there were no fancy cell phone apps to dictate what to eat, and how to work out. Search engines weren’t even up to par. The best I had was I’m not even sure what I searched, but I decided to try a low-calorie diet. I didn’t even know what a calorie was back then. I had no idea what good, or bad food was either. I grew up eating whatever my parents told me to eat. The lack of knowledge and education surrounding nutrition was my biggest hurdle.

I had no support at all. My family didn’t know I was embarking on a weight loss journey either. I was too embarrassed to share with them. In fact, I kept it to myself. I kept a huge binder filled with food journals and calorie counts. It was massive, but it helped me to stay on track. Because I lived with my parents, I ate the food they purchased, but I used portion control to count my calories. They did not purchase the healthiest groceries, but I made do with what I had and made it work for my calorie budget. The weight started to creep off. 5lbs, then 10lbs. It was amazing. I felt so proud of myself. It drove me to work harder. My boyfriend started to walk with me nightly. It felt great to have someone that I could share this experience with. I had no one else to talk to, no online support, or anything.

My boyfriend was supportive initially, but quickly grew irritated anytime I checked the nutritional facts on the back of a package for the calorie content. He labeled me obsessed, and annoying. It was the worst. The one person I could turn to was now turning against me.  I knew I was probably being annoying by checking every single thing that went into my mouth, but I couldn’t help it. By that point, I had lost about 30lbs in a year. That was HUGE to me. People were starting to take notice, and asking me questions. Still, I hid it. I told people I wasn’t losing weight at all. I was the same ol’ Ashley. With support decreasing by the minute from my boyfriend, I pressed on, but tried to keep  everything bottled inside. Not being able to share was the absolute worst. It actually tore us apart, then we broke up.

That threw me into a tizzy. I had spent years with this person.  I didn’t think I could do it without him. He was my rock even when he wasn’t being very supportive. There I was, 21 years old, just recently lost 30lbs, and ended a 5 year relationship. I was devastated. I fell off track for a while as a result. Later, my boyfriend and I reconciled, which aided in me getting back on track. He was more supportive than ever too, which drove me to lose an additional 45lbs that second year!

I started to become a different person though. I was 75lbs slimmer, which put me at 114lbs at 23 years old. I was more confident, and had a new spark for life. I was a hell of a lot more social, and out-going too. People noticed me, which felt good. He and I grew apart, then broke up around our 6 year mark. Again, it was devastating, but a lot less devastating than the first time around. We both grew apart so much during my weight loss journey. I was always hindered by the weight that I put on, and I think I semi-blamed him for it because of all of the eating out we did. I never was quite able to put aside the resentment of not having his full support either. Though I loved that person with all of my heart, I knew it was time to move on.

From there, things were a whirl wind. I was so embarrassed by the fact that I lost 75lbs, that I hid it from everyone. I started a new job and made a slew of new friends. I never disclosed my huge life transformation to anyone. In fact, until I came clean about it a year or so ago, those people still had no idea that I had went through such a drastic transformation. I guess when you’re young and naïve you think people will view you differently if they know the truth. I should have been proud. I should have been a voice, and a shoulder for others who were going through what I had gone through. Instead, I let my voice go to waste. I was so ashamed of the person that I was, when I should have celebrated the strength it took to stay dedicated enough to make such a change.

Never be ashamed of the person you were. That person plays a big factor in who you’ve become. I wish I could go back all of those years ago. I’d change my perspective. I would have appreciated my struggle, and shared with others who might have been going through the same thing. I owed it to myself to celebrate such a big feat. I’ve always regretting short-changing myself that celebration. I deserved it so much for stepping outside of the box and finding my own answers to change my life.

I never gave up on myself even when things were tough. I plowed through my struggles because I wanted something so badly. I was driven and motivated. When I became a Beachbody coach, I made a vow to myself to never give up on anyone that allowed me to be a part of their journey. I vowed to never let a single person feel ashamed of what they were going through. I also vowed to always be a friend along the way, give 100% support, and to be a shoulder when times were hard. Embarking on any fitness, and nutrition venture is HARD. It takes a special person to stay truly dedicated and committed. When I meet someone that has that spark, it gives me goosebumps. It takes me back to that 21 year old girl who was fighting to get her life back. I pull and pick every bit of drive from deep inside of someone just to remind them why they started, and where they’re going.

I’ve been on my weight loss journey for 11 years. I’ve had some downs, but I’ve always gotten back up again. From lack of exercise, i had tons of flab that I was embarassed of. I'd wear long sleeves in the summer because i was embarassed of my arms. Through Beachbody, I've been able to correct that. I have actual muscle now, which I never dreamed of having before. I found the 21 day fix extreme program, which showed me how to eat right and workout. For the first time in my life, I had support and direction! I knew what I was doing, so I decided to share with others.

Beachbody has aught me that weight loss doesn’t have to be a solo thing. I’ve met the most incredible people along the way, and I hope to meet more. If I can help change even one person’s life, I’ll feel successful. I tell my crew every day that we do this as a team. We change and grow as a team. We are there for one enough. Where one person falls short, another is right behind to pick up the pieces. I couldn’t be more proud of the amazing group that I’ve gotten to be a part of. You don’t have to go through this alone. If you’ve felt a lack of support, please reach out to me. I’m looking for people who are serious about making a change, but are serious about doing it together. I want to be a part of your journey.

If you’re interested in joining my Mummy’s Muscles crew, please send me an email at I would love to have you be a part of my team, getting to know you on a personal level, and gaining a new friend to share in this crazy experience.

Monday, August 17, 2015

A fresh start

Today marks a fresh start for me. Yes, I’ve been continuing to work out and eat healthy, but my mental state has been a bit clogged over the last two weeks. A lot of things have transpired in my personal life that have pulled my focus away. It took a firm talking to, but I feel like I’m ready to move past those things, re-focus, and buckle down again. The number one thing I’ve learned throughout my health and fitness journey is that I’m stronger than I thought I was. Mentally, my mind was so clear, and free. It was one of the best feelings I’ve ever had. Yes, feeling energized and good about myself physically is a perk, but the mental clarity is something I was completely ignorant to.  I had no idea what it felt like to have a peace of mind and to just be happy and positive. It saddens me that I’ve allowed things to drag me down a bit the last couple of weeks. I’m still human even though I like to pretend otherwise. I’m glad that I deal with things in a healthy way now compared to before. It’s good to know that I can accept, deal, then move on without causing a bigger train wreck in my life. I guess that’s what I’ve learned over the last two months. You don’t have to dwell because life really is so much more than the bad things that happen.

What pushes me and keeps me going are the amazing people behind me. I’ve never felt so blessed to be a part of a team before this. Having a pack behind me to always pick me up when I need it has been incredibly humbling. I can’t even begin to express the gratitude that I have for these people. Not even people. They are now my friends.  It’s been amazing to form new relationships, and to actually have something in common. Health and fitness has bonded all of us so much. I truly feel that we are a part of a special crew. The best part is our crew continues to grow. The support is always overflowing. There will never be a shortage of motivation either.

I haven’t really set a goal as to what I’d like to achieve in my 4th round of the 21 day fix. I’d just like to get stronger, build more muscle, and be able to run faster. This morning, I defied odds by completing a 4 mile run in 24 minutes. That’s incredible. 6 minutes a mile is something I never thought I’d see. I hardly believed it when I was finished. I zoned out for a while though, so I wasn’t even thinking about running. It felt good to pound the pavement, and just enjoy the quiet. I’ve honestly never enjoyed something so much in my life. I’m glad I decided to step outside of my comfort zone and to focus on running. It’s been a Godsend. I haven’t enjoyed something this much in a really long time. Me? A runner? I can’t even digest that. 

Outside of just becoming physically stronger, I’d like to work on the mental strength as well. Being able to really push aside any negative things that I incur because I know it just isn’t worth my time.  I know that it’s nearly impossible to shun all sad, angry, unhappy feelings, but if I could block it from consuming me for days on end, that would be appreciated. I do feel a lot better today though and I’m ready to just hop back on the horse. The one thing I’ve loved so much about becoming a Beachbody coach is being able to cheerlead non-stop. To always be a bright spot in someone’s day when they aren’t feeling so great. I don’t ever want to lose that sparkle over petty, stupid things.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Being a leader is a privilege

Things are moving and changing so quickly. I feel overwhelmed, but in a good way. Over the last two days, I’ve signed two new coaches, which is major. Having new coaches is the first stepping stone to growing my business. It also shows that the coaching I am providing is paying off. I’m able to show others that they have a voice and can inspire people to make healthy changes. It tickles me pink. I’ve invested so much time in everyone that I’ve shared the 21 day fix program with. I’m so proud to see all of the positive changes everyone is making. What begins as a weight loss journey ends as so much more.  You have an individual who might be down because of their physical appearance. Maybe they have more bad days than good because of it. They are unmotivated. They want to make a change, but aren’t sure how. The hole they’ve dug keeps getting deeper. Then, one day, I reach out to share an amazing product that could turn even the most pessimistic person’s attitude around. They try the product, see amazing results, and feel better about themselves. With a new found confidence and hunger for life, they seek to share with people in their circle. The fever is contagious and absolutely amazing to watch unfold. I get goosebumps when I think all of the changes that are occurring because I took time to invite someone into a healthier lifestyle.

It all starts with a question. Even if the answer is “No”, you put it out into the universe for someone to think about. Maybe they are afraid of change. They aren’t quite ready to make a commitment to themselves, or their health. That’s okay. “No” doesn’t have to mean forever. It just means not right now. You continue to grow and share. You have more people growing and sharing. You decide to invite that person again. They can feel your excitement. They sense the genuine care that you now have for their health because you can’t stand leaving even one man behind. They trust that you’ll lead them to the finish line. When you do, that person shares with their circle, and the fever continues to spread.

You start putting into perspective just how many lives your touching. That feeling excites you even more, which fuels you to drive harder to reach even more people. A positive mind is a powerful thing. You wake daily feeling like you can tackle anything. You want to show people that life is so much more than  what they’re giving themselves. One after another, you’re building a strong team of leaders to go out and share their amazing transformations.  Throughout your typical day, you feel this rise of positivity. You radiate such happiness and inspiration. It’s hard for other people to ignore that. They want to know what’s making you so happy all of the time. You share with them. You show people that being healthy and happy are a duo. Two peas in a pod. When you have one, you will most definitely will have the other.

Every single day that I get out of bed, I take a deep breath. I thank God for all of my blessings. My son, my job, our home, and my family. I thank God for the people he’s put into my life. The amazing group that I’m privileged to spend each and every day with guiding them towards a healthier lifestyle.  I thank him for giving me the strength to be a great leader, a strong voice, and the will to want to make a difference. Through my experience, I’ve created some new friendships, and strengthened the bond between old ones. Even if it all ended tomorrow, what I’ve gained from this experience was so worth it. 

What I’d want any new coach under me to know is that this takes time and dedication. It takes a special person to put themselves aside to want to help another. Being humble, and appreciative are two of the biggest job requirements someone needs to have to fill this coaching role. Being honest, and trustworthy are two more biggies. You need to show people that you’ll guide them through the hard times, but you’ll also be there to celebrate their wins. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing someone smile because you showed them a new way of life. Giving someone their life back and adding years onto their lifespan is priceless. Think about these things when you’re inviting. It is a big decision for another person to make. It can be scary, but with you by their side, I know they can do it!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Catch the fever!

Today is so exciting. I decided to put together a free, 14 day, fitness/nutrition group for people who aren’t ready to order the 21 day fix program.  I’m running it with my best friend. We’re offering daily workouts from Autumn Calabrese, the creator of the 21 day fix, and we’ve provided a 2 week meal plan. I love seeing all of the excitement from everyone enrolled. It’s only day numero uno and the dedication is overwhelming.  People are busting out their workouts early, and heading to the grocery store to prep for the next couple of weeks. It feels so good to be able to give back. Her and I have learned a lot about fitness and nutrition over the last two months. Sharing is so important. Plus, it shows other people that they do have the capabilities to make a change. This is a great gateway for people to begin leading a healthier lifestyle.

I was a bit nervous leading this group without a program in place to fill in the gaps, but I think her and I will do just fine. Providing support and one on one mentoring are great tools to lead anyone towards success. On top of that, we’re able to try some new workouts that haven’t been a part of our typical routine. It gives the two of us a change of pace, which is always appreciated.

Coaching has been so rewarding to me.  Organizing groups like this remind me why I started doing it in the first place.  I love seeing other people feel good about themselves and make achievements they never dreamed possible. The potential is there. People just need to see it for themselves. I love watching that a-ha moment come over someone. You can see the inspiration fill their face. It’s something you really can’t disguise. Being a part of such a transformation is more than I could ever ask for. Every day, someone amazes me with their dedication, and drive for more. A positive mind is so powerful. When you put out good vibes, you tend to get them back. I am such a firm believer in this. I’ve seen it happen more than enough times since I began coaching.

I’m learning so much about myself through this experience.  I have a new found confidence that I never knew existed. I feel like a leader, and a role model. I feel like I have a voice, and that I can inspire others. It makes me want to burst. It sounds extremely cheesy, but the feeling is contagious. Watch your step around me. You might just catch the fever. ;)