Tuesday, June 30, 2015

I'm on cloud 9!

The coolest thing happened to me yesterday. I received an alert that I was among the top performing coaches for the week! What?! I just started to actively coach over the last 8 days. I cannot believe I’m already being given recognition for helping others! This also shows that you can be successful in network marketing. A lot of people view Beach Body as a fad, or a pyramid scheme. It’s actually not. It’s a company that has 17 years under its belt and making billions every year. That’s beside the point though. The programs work! I’ve used every product, diet, and even had a personal trainer at one point. I never had results like these. I never had abs, or nice arms either. I also never felt good. I was always starving. I’m glad I can look and feel good, but still fulfil myself every single day.

The best part is helping people. I get the best messages throughout the day from my challengers. It’s rewarding to know that I was able to connect people with a program that fits into their schedule, but promotes a healthier lifestyle. Seeing the changes unfold in front of my eyes is the coolest! I am a sucker for a good transformation story. Being a part of so many has made me grateful to be able to participate in a business that promotes healthy change.

I don’t really want to focus on the financial aspect of the business, but I know that’s what people are most interested in hearing about first. I always thought I’d be confined to a certain income level because I am a single mother and I don’t have time to work a second job, nor would I want to compromise more time with my son. Beach Body is giving me more financial freedom and I just started! When I originally signed up to be a coach, I set a coal amount of making at least $100 a month.  After my first week, I’ve seen that I need to have bigger goals!

Inspiring people and guiding them to a better self is so rewarding though. It makes me EXTREMELY sad to hear, or see people be so down on themselves. I know that there is an answer and a quick, but healthy way of reaching those goals. I never believed it until I tried it. I’m so glad I did! 30 days ago, I began a journey to feel a little better about myself, maybe build a little muscle. I got a WHOLE lot more than that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Challenge Groups.

Today, I wanted to really focus on Challenge groups because I think a lot of people are confused and have no idea what a Challenge group is. After purchasing a Beach Body product, you aren’t just left to fend for yourself, or to figure out all of the ins and outs of a program. You’re given immediate support from your coach, BUT you should also automatically be enrolled, or offered to be enrolled in a Challenge Group.

Most weight loss programs, or even gym memberships do not come with support. To have access to thousands of people instantly who relate and connect with how you feel, share the same goals, and are accessible the second you sign up is amazing! These Challenge Groups offer just that. SUPPORT.  If you haven’t entered a challenge group yet, but you have a Beach Body product, seek out your coach and get details! Challenge groups keep you accountable. It’s a safe place where members can congregate to swap tips, recipes, or just give a pat on the back for a job well done! They keep me motivated and I attribute most of my success to these challenge groups. It feels good to report back to a bunch of people who truly do care about your success to say that you had a great day, completed your workout, and stayed on point with your nutrition.

It’s also a wonderful place to meet new people and make new friends. Being a working, single mother, it’s awfully hard for me to get out to meet new people. Being able to connect with new people on a daily basis without having the hassle of finding a babysitter is incredible. Not only that, but being able to identify with a large range of people who share my common interest of health and fitness is an added bonus.

At some point, you might find yourself pondering a wonderful coaching opportunity that might be presented your way. Networking through coaches that are available to you in challenge groups is a GREAT way to learn. You’ll end up meeting so many top, successful coaches, who will be there to aid and guide in your business. Being in a challenge group was my first real taste of what coaching was. Seeing the way coaches interact with their challengers was amazing. Knowing these people are there ANY time of day to provide support and guidance was incredible. It inspired me to want to do the same thing. 

Let’s not forget about the incentives! Challenge groups often times come with incentives, or prizes when you take an active role in posting and providing feedback to other challengers. Typically, the guidelines to that particular prize are posted at the start, so be sure to follow instructions to not miss out on being qualified. Free stuff ALWAYS motivates me!

If anyone is interested in joining an upcoming challenge group, please send me a message. Spots still remain open for the upcoming challenge on June 29th!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What do I do with these containers?!

Today, I want to focus on those cute, colorful containers you all got with your program. I wanted to share a sample meal plan that I prepped for the week and how many containers I’m using. When I initially received my program, I thought the container system was a bit confusing. It became a habit and way of life after the first week. It takes time, like with anything new, to adjust. I started out setting aside 30 minutes to meal plan and make a grocery list, but now I  get it done in about 10 minutes, which is no time at all. Once you get into the swing of how those neat little containers work, it’ll be a breeze for you too!

In your nutrition guide, there is a page that provides a simple calculation to identify your calorie range, which drives how many containers a day you get to eat. There is a special note in there regarding challengers who are just trying to MAINTAIN their weight. With that, you do not decrease your calorie amount by that 750 number. I went that route because I did not want to lose any weight, but wanted to build muscle. As you go through the program and you starting dropping those lbs,  you might get to a point where you know you don’t want to lose any more weight. At that point, you can re-visit the calculation to up the number of containers you’re eating in a day. The program is VERY flexible and reaches a large audience because you can tweak it to your needs.

Okay, do  you have your calculation completed and your calorie range identified? Great! The numbers underneath of that calorie range represent the amount of times you can fill a specific container a day. Easy, right?!

Let’s use me for an example. I am in the second range of calories, so  that applies to the second column. I get to have:

4 green (veggies)

3 purple (fruit)

4 red (protein)

3 yellow (carbs/starches)

1 blue (cheese/avocado)

1 orange (dressing))

4 spoons (peanut butter, almond butter)

Your nutrition guide gives a FULL list of what you can eat per container. There are TONS of options, so if you don’t like something, that’s okay. Just choose something that you do like! Anyway, I get to eat a lot of food a day. Most of the time, I can’t even finish all of the food that I prep. Now that I am 24 days in, my body has adjusted and I actually get fuller with less!  It’s amazing!

Let’s look at my meal plan and how I do it.









If you look at my meal plan, you’ll probably raise a few eye brows. I’m not eating all of my yellow or purple containers. I didn’t use an orange container, and I ate an extra red.  The good thing about this program is that it is customizable once you get the swing of things. There are modifications within your guide too, so when you feel that you’re ready for even more extreme results, you can carb down. That means, you just cut out/down the yellow and purple containers. I’m not ready to fully cut out those containers yet, so I am slowly working them down. The more you work them out, the more you can replace with your red and green containers. I won’t overload you with that information just yet, but understand that I am moving containers around because I am working towards a specific goal to cut some out. You certainly do NOT have to rush into that by any means. Following the standard program works wonders!

If you are not drinking the shakes, but want to follow my meal plan above, you can change that out with 2 eggs, or 8 egg whites for breakfast and even add some veggies into it as an omelet. I like eating salads for lunch too, so sometimes I will save a yellow if I have a salad for lunch, and I’ll add a slice of whole grain bread with my strawberries and peanut butter. Amazing! As long as you’re using those containers, you’ll be fine! Customize your plan, pick foods and recipes that you like, BUT USE YOUR CONTAINERS to build out that meal. Play with the combinations until you find what works best for YOU. What works for me might not necessarily work for you. If you still feel hungry, eat an extra red, or an extra green. After the first week, your body will be adjusted and these portions will be second nature to you.

We are trained to eat such large amounts of food and to be served such large amounts on our plates. You know what that creates? WASTE. I do NOT waste food now. I don’t overcook and I don’t overeat. I don’t overbuy either. This program has saved me money! If you’re a person that goes to the grocery store and just buys unnecessary stuff, this program will help you get on track with spending.  You’ll only buy what you know fits into your meal plan. If you have a large family, you can probably adapt them to the portion control too if you’re preparing their meals. Start by using the containers to measure food on their plate. There is no reason we should be filling a LARGE dinner plate. We know A. it’ll go to waste, or B. the person is usually full and just eating to clear their plate. Adjust your family to the right portions and you won’t have to waste, or gorge them to avoid wasting. It’s a win all around.

I hope this gave you all a little more insight on how you can use your containers. It really is a simple science behind the program. Follow the portion control and do 1 30 minute workout a day. You cannot go wrong!!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Mummy's growing her business

I joined Team Beach Body as a coach on June 3rd. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I had a completely different perception of this business. Boy, am I glad I was wrong! I cannot believe all of the things I’ve learned in such a small period of time. I still have a way’s to go, but I am hungry for more knowledge and I now have an even bigger drive to grow my business. I did not realize the potential of opportunity this business could present to me. Why did I not join sooner?

It took me awhile to believe in these products. I always thought I could make a change on my own. That I didn’t need to spend money on a program to dictate what I thought I already knew. Again, I was wrong. I now have the nutrition knowledge base and the physical education to be able to change my body and work towards my fitness dreams. Not only that, but I can profit, while doing something that I absolutely love. I’ve been hand held and embraced since joining on June 3rd. I thought I’d become a coach, then be all on my own. Again, I was wrong. Coaches from other teams are so quick to jump in where I’m a little less experienced and answer any questions that I present. My own coach is available day, or night with information to help me guide my business. On top of that, I have met some incredible individuals who are excited to see others grow and thrive!

Let’s not forget the customers! Knowing that people believe in you and trust you to take a risk on a new product and a new way of life is so inspiring. It makes me want to continue on this journey, so I can be a part of someone else’s transformation. This is about so much more than anything superficial. Yes, you are going to look better, but you’re also going to transform your mind too. I just feel happier. I have more energy, and I’m definitely more upbeat. I have a little more pep in my step. This community has welcomed me so much. I feel so blessed to be a part of such motivated individuals, who also cheerlead you into your own success!

Taking a risk is always scary. I was afraid to step out of my comfort zone too, but I decided to invest in myself and to invest in my dreams. Being a single mother is hard. Financially, I have the burden of providing solely for my son. Beach Body is showing me that I can do something that I love for myself, provide a healthy lifestyle for myself and my son, and also provide supplemental income for the both of us. I’m very excited to see where this journey takes the both of us, but I’m looking forward to it!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Mummy finished!!!!

I did it. I finished the 21 day fix! I’m in absolute awe and shock over my results. I lost a total of 17 inches all around. My hips lost the most at 3 inches and I can tell too. I feel so much leaner and stronger than I did before. Three weeks went by so quickly. After the first week, it became a way of life, so it really didn’t feel like I was doing  anything out of the norm. I love this program and I’m glad that it actually did work. It wasn’t hard to follow the eating plan. Yes, there were times that I did slip up and ate  outside of what I was supposed to, but I always compensated by doing a double workout, or taking Emerson for a long walk. There are ways to be happy and to modify your diet to fit your needs/situations. 99% of the time, I ate clean and did everything 100% on point. I did have some chocolate cake at my parent’s house one night, a glass of wine at a wedding, and even a few cookies one afternoon. Looking over a three week span, those three instances were nothing. It didn’t make, or break my program and it didn’t drag me off course. I adapted to the proper portions that I should have been eating all along.

I also introduced myself to Shakeology. At first, I didn’t believe in the shakes. I thought it was a way for the company to make money. Again, I was wrong. The shakes really are my healthiest meal of the day. I’m drinking 2 to 3 a day! I’m also eating 5-6 meals a day too. I’m using those shakes to supplement my nutrition. They give me TONS of energy, rebuild my muscles after an intense workout, and they keep me full after I drink one. One shake is equivalent to one red container. That means I am getting all of the nutrients I need and keeping full without having to tap into more than one container. The highest container counts come from your red (protein). It was starting to become a chore to make sure I always had some protein available for snacks and meals. With the shakes, I just grab and go. No fuss at all and it only takes a few seconds to prepare in my shaker cup, which was provided in my program kit for free!

The workouts are amazing! I had never pushed myself to those limits before. The modifier in each workout is also incredible. I used the modified version until I was strong enough and felt good enough without it. By using the modifier, I was almost getting a 2 for 1 inside of my program. I was able to graduate to a more intense workout without having to purchase another program. When I felt I could get through the regular routine without modification, I upped my weights! That added an entirely different level of intensity. Again, I did not have to use ANOTHER program, or spend more money. I used the resource I had, but modified by adding heavier weights. I got better results too!

I would highly recommend this program to anyone. It’s a great tool to have in your back pocket. There are so many ways that you can modify this program to get results. If you’re a person that needs to lose a lot of pounds, ensure that you’re following the eating guide and workouts 100%. That way, you’ll lose those pounds without sacrificing your body by having tons of flabby skin. You’ll lose AND tone. Once you’ve lost that weight and extra fat, you can use the program to maintain your weight, but to intensify the definition in your muscles! That’s what I was using it for and I can tell you IT WORKS. It’s amazing to see a program that can be geared towards people who want to lose weight and to those that just want to maintain, but build muscle. It’s flexible, which is why I think it’s completely worth every penny. For those of you beginning with the 21 day fix regular version, You can graduate to this extreme version when you feel comfortable. It’s just another goal for you to work towards in this big journey you’re on!

Below are my result pictures. I’m so incredibly proud of myself. I started my second round today. I cannot wait to see what changes I make in my body over the next 21 days! Whose with me?! Send me a message if you’re interested in making a life change, message me!!!!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Meal plans, grocery list, budgets?!!

I’ve gotten A LOT of inquiries about the 21 day fix program from my Facebook friends. Thanks for taking time out to send me messages with your questions! This is helping me to provide information that I know other people are probably raising their eyebrows to! So, let’s talk nutrition. Everyone wants to know if this program comes with a nutrition plan. Yes! It comes with an amazing guide book AND 7 containers to portion out your food. Easy peasy, right?! So, what are you putting in those containers? Well, pretty much ANYTHING you want as long as its marked on the list in your handy guidebook. I carry mine around like the bible!

What I do first is look at how many of each container I get a day, then I make a meal plan to support that. From my meal plan, I create my grocery list. Remember, I have a VERY strict budget. I stay within my budget, so I’m always thinking about that when making my meal plans. I wanted to share with you how I made my meal plan AND grocery list for this week. I spent $69.71 on groceries this week. Some of that included food for my 16 month old toddler. The total amount of food that I bought JUST for my specific meal plan came out to $42.20. You’re probably wondering how the hell I did that, right? Well, let me show you!

Below is my meal plan for the week. It is A LOT of food to consume daily. Sometimes I don’t eat all of my snacks. Sometimes, I swap out the sweet potato at dinner for brown rice, or pasta too if I get bored. Because I’m just working to MAINTAIN my weight, but build muscle, I’m eating a higher container count, which allots me some extra food. Shakeology always fills me up and carries me throughout the morning, so sometimes I push my first snack back and save my second snack for later in the day. It all works out and I am honestly NEVER hungry. It’s amazing. Now, I already have frozen chicken in my freezer, so I didn’t need to buy that this week and I already had whole wheat bread too. When I grocery shop next week, I’ll add these into my list, but I won’t have to buy any peanut butter, almond milk, or Greek yogurt, so the list will balance itself out. I use almond milk and Stevia in my morning coffee. Shakeology gives me all the energy I need, but coffee is just a part of my morning routine, so I still enjoy one cup!

















Below is the grocery list that corresponds with the above meal plan:































Are you still with me? So what I do is prep my food. I boil a ton of chicken, so all I have to do is fill up my red container and dump. You can dress your chicken up with seasonings, which are listed in your guidebook. I’m not that fancy. I usually am okay with plain chicken. I did buy a box of Tupperware at Walmart, so I have enough containers to prep lunch, breakfast, two snacks, and my shakeology for an entire 5 day work week. It helps because all you have to do is GRAB your meals and go. I pack the night before, so it’s already in a bag too! The box of Tupperware cost me $12.97, which was worth the investment. Being prepared is the key to succeeding on this program! Everything is ready for you already. All you have to do is grab and eat!

I know A LOT of people like to go out to eat, and especially to drink alcohol. Honestly, I don’t have that problem. My son and I eat at home 99% of the time. If we do venture out, I just choose wisely. The program is only 21 days, so think about it in the short-term. It isn’t a long period of time to put aside eating out, or putting aside the alcohol. If you do want to enjoy a beverage, you can swap out a yellow (carb) container for 4oz of wine. I know, that doesn’t sound fantastic, but I PROMISE the results are so worth it. Look at your calendar. Do you have a lot of weddings, bridal showers, birthdays, maybe a bachelorette party to go to? You probably want to clear out your calendar FIRST. Set yourself up for success. I wouldn’t try this program as a first-timer if I had a lot of social events on my calendar. Too much temptation, but I promise when you do get started, you’ll be so obsessed with how good you feel, you’ll start turning your nose up at the bad food and alcohol.

I am 15 days into this program and I’ve already lost 12 inches! It is unreal! I feel so good about myself. Better than I’ve felt about myself in YEARS! Those abs, though! I NEVER EVER thought I could have a nice looking stomach after losing 75lbs 11 years ago, THEN having a baby 16 months ago! They are poking out and I promise if you stick to this, yours will start playing peek-a-boo too! I hope you all have gained some good information from this blog regarding the nutrition portion of the program. BE CREATIVE with your meal plan! Switch it up if you start to feel bored. Add in some seasonings and spices! Most importantly PREP YOUR FOOD! Set yourself up for success and I PROMISE you will NOT FAIL! If anyone is interested in some personal coaching, one on one cheerleading, and just keeping each other accountable, PLEASE send me an email at: mowery.ashley@gmail.com

This could be you!!!!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Mummy's 12 day results!!

I am 12 days into the 21 day fix. How am I feeling? AMAZING! Being honest, there were times I didn’t stick 100% to the diet. I’ve eaten A  LOT more protein than allotted, but I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. I have my shake in the morning and after my workouts, then I fill in the gaps with everything I’m supposed to be eating.  If I’m hungry though, I’m going to eat. I’ve been trying to add in more protein/veggies during those times and staying away from the carbs. I did sneak a cookie one day and even had some macaroni and cheese for dinner last night, but my portions are so much  more controlled now. I made broccoli macaroni and cheese two nights ago and we STILL have leftovers. That’s insane! Typically, if we have ANY left overs, it’s not much. I would just gorge and eat until it was all gone, or I’d pick at it in between meals. No good.

I think I’m doing rather well. I could probably do better with the diet portion, but overall, I am eating so much better than I was before. Before this, I was having Ramen noodles EVERY day for lunch. I’m telling you, that stuff is awful for you! Now, I have a nice, big salad every single day. I even dress it up too with hard boiled eggs and tuna! So much better than any Ramen! For breakfast, I was having either just coffee, or a large muffin that left me hungry by lunch. Now, I’m having a shake in the morning, coffee, then steel cut oatmeal. It’s so fulfilling. That doesn’t even include my snacks! I have two snacks a day. Peanut Butter Greek Yogurt and a banana, then a slice of whole wheat bread with peanut butter and strawberries! I was always starving on the way home and absolutely famished by dinner time. Now, I don’t have that issue. That means I am not rushing to eat the quickest thing I can get my hands on when I get home. I have that time to prepare and actually THINK about what I’m putting into my body for dinner. I’ve also been pairing all of my dinners with a small salad, so I eat less of the bad stuff and more of the good. It was becoming REALLY hard to cook separate meals for myself and my son, so I made a good compromise. We eat relatively healthy, but I still love my pasta! I just make sure I pair everything with extra veggies/salad, so I can still have that stuff, but I’m not eating a BOATload of it.  This way, we can still enjoy our spaghetti and garblic bread without killing my nutrition entirely.

I do feel much more energized though, which is a BIG thing for me. It’s exhausting being a working mother. I feel like all I do is run around and try to cram 500 things into a day that only supports 100. I’m managing though and I can say that it hasn’t been all that hard to work this program into my daily life. It took some tinkering around to figure out a good balance and rhythm, but now it is second nature. I really do feel like I’m building a lifestyle change, not just a 21 day routine. I’ve rid pretty much all of the unhealthy food in the house too. We’ve gone to the grocery store on numerous occasions and have replaced those items with healthier options. Emerson is being loaded up on much more fruit and yogurt than goldfish crackers for snacks too.

Now, let’s talk about the physical changes. My arms are ROCKING! I’ve always been VERY self-conscious of my arms. I’ve always felt like they were so big since losing all of that weight 11 years ago. I never took that time to really tighten and tone them. To me, I was just left with these big, bulky things that stuck out like a sore thumb whenever I wore a tank top. For years, I’d suffer in 90 degree heat in a long sleeve shirt because I was really embarrassed of my arms. It was awful! It took me a long time to just accept that this is the way I am. Even still, I always had that fear that people were staring at my arms. I’d never even wear short sleeves to work. I am not making this up. This week, I wore short sleeves TWICE. I’ve been at my job for NINE years. This is the first time I’ve worn a short sleeve shirt to work in NINE YEARS! You know what, it feels freaking amazing! It feels liberating. It may sound stupit to some people, but it feels so freaking good to me.  I even received some compliments from the daycare staff AND the pediatrician over my arms. That made me feel so good. I have always been so embarrassed of these things. It’s incredible that I am actually ENJOYING showing them off!

I did measure myself after about 1.5 weeks on the fix and I lost around 10 inches altogether from my legs, arms, chest, waist, hips, bum, thighs, and calves.  I’m not sure what results I’ll get over the next 10 days. I hope I lose a few more inches. I’ve actually gained a couple of pounds, which is probably all attributed to muscle. I have to buy some heavier weights though. The workouts are starting to become too easy for me. That’s on my agenda for the weekend. Then, I can really kick it up over the next 10 days to REALLY get some better results. I plan on continuing the workouts well after this first cycle, but I just want to show people that change really is possible if you put the time in. I’m not even using that much time to do this. I’m just shopping smarter and dedicating 30 minutes every night to work out. There were times that I did double up workouts, but that was my choice. You certainly do NOT have to do that. When you’re so far in it though, it just feels good to give yourself that extra workout.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Mummy's Changing

Yesterday, I reached out to a few coaches to ask about changing my container amounts to support maintaining weight instead of losing. I’m a real goober. Had I read my booklet intensely like directed, I would have seen an insert with instructions on what to do to maintain. I am a much happier person today! I get to add an entire container per food group! That is A LOT. I probably won’t even be able to eat that much food, but now I have the option to add where necessary. I feel so much better. I can start my morning out with oatmeal without sacrificing carbs at lunch, or dinner! I just felt a real loss of energy and my tank was nearing empty by the time I even got home. I already feel so much better after adding a little more at dinner last night and having my steel cut oatmeal this morning.

My workout last night was even better too because I had the extra energy to put into it. Afterwards, I felt a surge of energy and cleaned the ENTIRE house. I’m talking scrubbing the floors, bathroom, and kitchen! The last few days after working out, I’ve been pretty pooped and just did the bare min to get by. Prepping for the next day and cleaning up Emerson’s toys was about all the energy I had leftover to do. I’m glad I feel better now. I do not like letting my housework get behind!

I have a wedding to attend tomorrow. I am going to TRY my hardest to do TWO workouts today. I’m hoping I can do one at lunch time since I’m working from home and then one tonight after Emerson goes to bed. Emerson has to go to the doctor’s today because he might have an ear infection. I’m not certain I’ll get to that second workout. It just depends if he goes to bed easily, or if he needs me. When he isn’t feeling well, he tends to want to cuddle when he’s sleeping. I don’t mind! A little rest time for both of us is never a bad thing!

I went grocery shopping after I took Em to daycare this morning. I was able to get enough food for the next week for $37. Crazy. I made a new meal plan to accommodate the extra containers that I get to eat too. I had to pick some things up for Emerson too. He loves veggie straws, so I bought a bag of those, his gold fish crackers, and bananas. He only eats dinner at home Monday-Friday, so I get a HUGE break on the grocery bill for him. He has plenty of breakfast, lunch, and snack options for the weekend, so we are ready to go! I’m glad  I got that out of the way. 6am grocery shopping is so much more peaceful because the grocery store is empty.

I did do a compare picture yesterday from day 1 of working out to day 6, which was yesterday. I’m sure you’re all probably thinking how stupid that was, but I needed some confirmation and reassurance about this program. I can definitely see a change. I can feel a change now too, which is even better. I did receive some discouraging comments though. People were telling me they preferred my before picture and that I was losing too much weight. I haven’t shed any pounds though. I am STILL the same weight. Just getting tighter and leaner, which is NOT a bad thing. It does bug me that people are that rude. I don’t think I’d ever tell someone their before picture was better. What the hell? Some of these people are SEVERELY overweight. That’s what I don’t get. I know that I posted it and I opened the forum to negativity, but damn! Can I get any support?! Luckily, some people did come to my rescue and made me feel A LOT better.

Alright, I will catch up with everyone on Monday! I hope you all have a great weekend and you stay on track! I know I’ll be food prepping like a mother, so I don’t stray!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Mummy was doubting herself

I just made a grocery list and meal plan to take me through next Thursday. I do have food prepped to carry me through until Saturday, but I did need to make a  plan and grocery list for next week. Being honest, I’m glad to switch it up a bit. I am a creature of habit, but after doing this program for the last 4 days, I’m finally able to see where I need a little more food. It’s all about trial and error though, so I will continue to tweak my meal plan as necessary.

The first thing I did was gave myself some carbs in the morning. I need that fuel to gas me up until lunch time. I ended up swapping my carb during lunch and putting it into the breakfast slot. We’ll see how that goes over the next few days. I’m hoping it makes me feel a little more energized throughout the day. I do feel like I’m dragging a bit. I don’t want to feel down and tired. I haven’t weighed myself, or anything yet either. I’m not sure if I’ve lost any weight, which I absolutely do not want to do. I might have to up my containers if that’s the case, especially because I am starting to feel hungry between meals. The beauty of this program is that it’s essentially tailor-made to your needs. Yes, I needed portion control and a way to monitor my food intake, but I don’t need to drastically cut calories. I think by adding in an additional container, or two, I’ll curb the weight loss, but still control my eating habits. Paired with the workouts, I think I’ll be more than fine and still have fantastic results. I’m going to hold off on tweaking things until Sunday when I weigh myself.

The workouts are going amazing and I couldn’t be happier with them. I’m A LOT less sore now. My body is adjusting nicely and I’m finally gaining strength. I did the lower body extreme workout last night and barely had to stop at all. It was intense, don’t get me wrong, but I was able to power through. 6 days ago, I was stopping periodically and having to do the modified exercises. Now, I’m starting to keep up a lot better. Today is my 4th day of the diet portion and my 6th day of the exercise portion (I skipped Sunday). So far, I’ve done the Total Body Cardio fix, The cardio fix, Upper body fix, Lower body fix, and the yoga. All are amazing! Tonight, I’m finishing up with the Dirty 30, which sounds intense. Being honest, I like the workout portion over the food portion. I just have to find the right combination to make myself feel full and satisfied again, but staying within my budget of containers and portions. I can tell my metabolism is revved up, so I don’t want to cause a lag because I’m not consuming enough food!

How am I feeling? A lot better. Clean eating is TOUGH. I will not lie. It takes a few days to get into the routine and to get used to changing your eating habits. I’m feeling that right now, but I have the ability to change it. I can move things around to fit to my needs.  I haven’t noticed a physical change yet outside of having sore muscles. Again, I’ve only got 5 workouts under my belt, so I’m hoping to see some change by next week. What keeps me going is knowing that I’ve always had a fitness goal of having some noticeable muscles and looking lean. I’ve NEVER had that. I’ve always been a regular-sized girl with excess flab, or a skinny girl (like now) with excess flab. Thinking that I could reach my fitness dreams is enough to keep pushing me. I want it so darn badly!

I’m attending a wedding on Saturday, which makes me extremely nervous. It’ll be a bit of a chaotic day, so I’m hoping by prepping, I’ll be set up to succeed over failing. I plan on eating at the wedding. I’ll stick to protein and veggies, over starches and carbs. I’m not going to worry TOO much about staying within my container count either. The trade-off will be staying far away from those carbs. My workout will definitely suffer that day because I won’t be getting home until LATE. The likelihood that I’ll workout at 10pm is slim to none. I need to get ready for the wedding, while Emerson naps, so I won’t be spending that free time working out. Instead, I’m going to just do the 10 minute AB workout. It isn’t a full blown 30 minute workout, but at least I am doing SOMETHING over nothing.

Yesterday, I really started to doubt myself and my ability to complete this program. I get inside of my own head at times and tend to self-sabotage. I signed up to be a Beach Body Coach yesterday and after reviewing the website and seeing some other coaches at work, I started to doubt my abilities. I know that I do have the drive and passion to help people feel better about themselves. I’ve always had this drive and passion ever since I started my own journey over a decade ago. I just think everyone deserves to be happy with themselves and not waste one iota of time beating themselves up, or holding their life back over weight. I did that for SO freaking long. It was agonizing. I think back to situations all of the time where I didn’t do something because of my weight. I’m glad I got ahead of the issue while I was still young. My life drastically change the second I dropped the lbs. I don’t mean in a superficial way either. Professionally, my life changed. I would have NEVER taken the plunge I took had I felt terrible about my outside appearance. I wouldn’t have had the confidence. I just know how good it felt, so I want others to have that same experience. I hope that I can convey that without coming across as preachy and a salesperson.

Alright, I’ll continue to update you guys as I muddle through these next 17 days.  Please keep rooting me on. It’s appreciated!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The fix is PAYING me!!

How the 21 day fix PAID me!

If you own the plan, you already know how your containers are configured. For those of you who haven’t made the plunge yet, your weight drives the amount of containers you get to eat a day containing a certain food group. For my plan, I get 4 red (protein), 2 purple (fruit), 2 yellow (carbs/starches), 3 green (veggies), 1 blue (healthy fat/cheeses), and 1 orange (seeds/dressing) 2 teaspoons (nut butters/pb). Easy, right? Below was the meal plan I came up with for the week:

Breakfast (1 red and 1 purple)

2 eggs

½ banana

Snack #1 (1 purple/1 teaspoon)

1 medium apple slices

1 tsp peanut butter

Lunch (1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 orange)

Brown rice



Balsamic Vinaigrette

Snack #2 (1 Green and 1 blue)

Cucumber slices


Dinner (1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow)


Whole wheat Pasta


Snack #3 (1 red, 1 teaspoon)

Greek Yogurt

Peanut Butter

Wow!!!!!!!! Tell me that isn’t a lot of food!!!!!!!!!! I was NEVER eating this much throughout the day before. I was eating stupidly. A muffin for breakfast, then starving by the time lunch came around. I’d have a packet of Ramen, which is probably the worst thing on Earth for you! I resorted to Ramen BECAUSE IT WAS CHEAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn’t realize I could be eating an entire lunch like I am now and not breaking the budget. I must be nuts! I’m glad I’ve finally seen the light. Yes, people who desire to lose weight WILL with this program. For me, it’s about actually consuming ENOUGH food and the RIGHT food. I’m to the point now where I don’t even need my first snack before lunch. If I want it, it’s there, but if I don’t need it right away, I can save it for later. It’s awesome! Wouldn’t you want to eat THIS much food and lose weight/be healthier? Had I known it was this easy I would have invested a long time ago. I always thought it was a silly gimmick. I was into counting out every single calorie. I don’t have to do that now. I just fill up the box, dump, and go.

Do  you want to know what I spent on food for the above for an ENTIRE week? $35!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, $35!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at your grocery list and everything that you’re buying. Is it filled with fluff, and junk? Additional things that you don’t really need like dressings and cheeses? STOP IT RIGHT NOW! This program can SAVE YOU MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me break it down for you

2 carton of eggs is roughly $2.40 (24 eggs/ 2 eggs a day for a week=14 eggs. That means I still have eggs LEFTOVER for my son!!!!!!!!!

3lbs of chicken is $7. I made enough chicken to feed me for 5 lunches and 6 dinners. That is ELEVEN meals!!!!

You can get 1 box of brown rice for $1.50. 1 box of brown rice will last me a little more than TWO WEEKS!

I bought 1 box of whole wheat pasta for $1.50. This box of pasta will feed myself AND my son for over a week!

I could go on and on and on, but you get my point. When I do my grocery shopping next week, I’ll have a surplus from this week, so I’ll be spending EVEN less. So, not only do I have a program to keep my eating and working out on track, it’s controlling my spending too. BONUS!  If you’re interested in being paid to do the 21 day fix, send me a message! We can get you started RIGHT NOW! You’ll be on the path to extra money in your pocket!!

Don't knock it....

Yesterday, I received some comments that I didn’t need this program because I’m already “skinny”. I just want to point out that this program isn’t just about weight loss. That’s such a big misconception. These programs work for everyone in different ways. While some will have great weight loss success, others will benefit from gaining tighter bodies. It does discourage me when I’m told that I don’t NEED to do something because another person already deems me at THEIR goal weight. Just because a person is already on the smaller side doesn’t exempt them from working out and trying to obtain a fitness goal. I should still eat healthy and be physically active regardless of not needing much weight to lose. It’s about continuing to live a healthy lifestyle and finding a balance to maintain that and living freely. I needed this 21 day program to reset my mind. I started to eat quite poorly and I just wasn’t feeling good. Had I continued to do that, then yes, I would need this program to help me lose all of those unnecessary pounds. I’m using this program as a platform to get back to healthier eating habits. I also would love to tone my body from losing so much weight in the past and neglecting the necessary strength training to avoid excess skin. I don’t feel as though I need to justify these reasons, but I feel it’s important to show others that it isn’t JUST about weight loss. This specific program is tailored to those people who do need to lose weight and others who just need to tone up. Don’t knock it until you try it.

If anyone is interested in making a life change, please reach out to me directly. I’d love to help create your transformation story!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Mummy's 1st day!

Yesterday was my first day doing the 21 day fix diet. To be honest, when I pulled those SMALL containers out of the box, I immediately thought I’d be hungry ALL day. I wasn’t. The portions are actually big and even bigger than what I would have naturally served myself with no measuring. I had pre-made my food already, so all I had to do was pull it out of the refrigerator. I’m telling you, that’s going to save me so much during these next three weeks. I couldn’t imagine being hungry and trying to rack my brain on what I can eat, or how many containers I’ve used and have left. This way, it’s already done for me. I don’t have to think. When I’m hungry, I just eat. I’ve portioned it out into 3 meals and 3 snacks, which is MORE than enough food to satisfy me all day.

I did the cardio extreme workout last night. Pilates was on the schedule, but I couldn’t find my resistance band. My legs are still REALLY sore from Friday’s workout, so I decided to skip any lower body workouts. Of course, the cardio had TONS of lower body maneuvers, so I didn’t get off too easy. My legs are still pretty sore today, but I can tell it’s getting better. The workout went so quickly last night too.  Before I knew it, we were doing the cool down. It wasn’t so overwhelming either that I couldn’t catch my breath, or keep up. I did stop a few times, but again, my legs are EXTREMELY sore. I needed to take a break for a second, or two here and there. I’m sure as the weeks progress, I’ll be able to make it all the way through with no stopping.

Afterwards, I had some peanut butter Greek yogurt and sat my butt down on the couch! It was nice knowing that I still had time to relax after working out, prepping for today, and cleaning up. I felt so accomplished when I was done. Knowing that I did something for myself was even better. Now that I’ve strayed from the workout schedule, I’m going to just pick and choose what I want to do based on how I feel. Tonight, I’m going to do an upper body workout to give my legs a little break. I’ll pick up a resistance bad this week, so that I can actually do the pilates workout though. I definitely want to do every one of the workouts over a week’s span even if it’s in my own order.

I’m also in a challenge group with some fabulous people. It’s nice being able to post and talk about what I’m doing. I did create a facebook page (mummys muscles) that I can post all of my fitness blurbs on, but it’s nice being in a group with others who are also doing this program. I know if I continue to flood my personal facebook page with fitness posts, people are going to be irritated. Not that I really care, but I don’t want to be THAT person. Even still, it’s nice to share my personal progress to show other people that this DOES work and it isn’t THAT hard. You CAN do it without having to dedicate your entire day. It’s not THAT hard to make this change.

I thought I’d share what I ate yesterday just to give you guys an idea of how much food you really do get. When talking to people who want to lose weight, the biggest thing I’ve heard is how much they don’t want to have to restrict, or starve themselves. Honestly, this program isn’t about that at all. You eat. You’re full. You’re satisfied. It’s more about eating the right foods to satisfy you over gorging on complete shit. I’d rather eat an entire meal over one, SMALL piece of cake for the same amount of calories. I’ll still be hungry after that one piece of cake. This way, I’m full and satisfied without feeling like shit for what I just shoved in my mouth.

½ banana

2 eggs

Coffee w/ almond milk (I refuse to give up my coffee!)

Snack #1

1 medium apple sliced w/ 1 tsp peanut butter


Brown Rice



(Mixed together with balsamic vinaigrette, which made it taste like some BOMB Chinese!)

Snack #2

Hummus with cucumbers to dip!



Whole wheat Pasta


(I topped with a sprinkle of parm cheese)

Snack #3

Greek yogurt mixed together with 1sp of peanut butter

(tastes like ice cream if you freeze it a little)

Prior to this, I never ate this much. I’d eat a muffin with coffee for breakfast, Ramen noodles for lunch, then I’d eat whatever for dinner. No snacks, or anything. There were times I’d be so light-headed from being hungry. Making an effort to meal plan and prepare foods ahead of time is actually BETTER for me because I’m eating real food and actually eating ENOUGH food. Even after I worked out, I wasn’t starving like I thought I would be. My Greek yogurt was PLENTY to satisfy me before going to bed. I also made sure I paired each with water to give me a little more fullness and to hydrate.

All I’m saying is it wasn’t THAT freaking hard and it wasn’t THAT freaking awful. People hear the word “Diet” and they go running. I don’t even think this feels like a diet. I got to eat and I ate a hell of a lot.  The portions are pretty big too that I often felt full before I finished. I even fed Emerson some of MY dinner and I was still full. I’m not trying to be all preachy either, but if you’re serious about making a change and you’re miserable every day, then DO IT! It’s a no-brainer! If you still need convincing, then hang around for the next 20 days.