Thursday, June 25, 2015

Challenge Groups.

Today, I wanted to really focus on Challenge groups because I think a lot of people are confused and have no idea what a Challenge group is. After purchasing a Beach Body product, you aren’t just left to fend for yourself, or to figure out all of the ins and outs of a program. You’re given immediate support from your coach, BUT you should also automatically be enrolled, or offered to be enrolled in a Challenge Group.

Most weight loss programs, or even gym memberships do not come with support. To have access to thousands of people instantly who relate and connect with how you feel, share the same goals, and are accessible the second you sign up is amazing! These Challenge Groups offer just that. SUPPORT.  If you haven’t entered a challenge group yet, but you have a Beach Body product, seek out your coach and get details! Challenge groups keep you accountable. It’s a safe place where members can congregate to swap tips, recipes, or just give a pat on the back for a job well done! They keep me motivated and I attribute most of my success to these challenge groups. It feels good to report back to a bunch of people who truly do care about your success to say that you had a great day, completed your workout, and stayed on point with your nutrition.

It’s also a wonderful place to meet new people and make new friends. Being a working, single mother, it’s awfully hard for me to get out to meet new people. Being able to connect with new people on a daily basis without having the hassle of finding a babysitter is incredible. Not only that, but being able to identify with a large range of people who share my common interest of health and fitness is an added bonus.

At some point, you might find yourself pondering a wonderful coaching opportunity that might be presented your way. Networking through coaches that are available to you in challenge groups is a GREAT way to learn. You’ll end up meeting so many top, successful coaches, who will be there to aid and guide in your business. Being in a challenge group was my first real taste of what coaching was. Seeing the way coaches interact with their challengers was amazing. Knowing these people are there ANY time of day to provide support and guidance was incredible. It inspired me to want to do the same thing. 

Let’s not forget about the incentives! Challenge groups often times come with incentives, or prizes when you take an active role in posting and providing feedback to other challengers. Typically, the guidelines to that particular prize are posted at the start, so be sure to follow instructions to not miss out on being qualified. Free stuff ALWAYS motivates me!

If anyone is interested in joining an upcoming challenge group, please send me a message. Spots still remain open for the upcoming challenge on June 29th!

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