Monday, June 22, 2015

Mummy finished!!!!

I did it. I finished the 21 day fix! I’m in absolute awe and shock over my results. I lost a total of 17 inches all around. My hips lost the most at 3 inches and I can tell too. I feel so much leaner and stronger than I did before. Three weeks went by so quickly. After the first week, it became a way of life, so it really didn’t feel like I was doing  anything out of the norm. I love this program and I’m glad that it actually did work. It wasn’t hard to follow the eating plan. Yes, there were times that I did slip up and ate  outside of what I was supposed to, but I always compensated by doing a double workout, or taking Emerson for a long walk. There are ways to be happy and to modify your diet to fit your needs/situations. 99% of the time, I ate clean and did everything 100% on point. I did have some chocolate cake at my parent’s house one night, a glass of wine at a wedding, and even a few cookies one afternoon. Looking over a three week span, those three instances were nothing. It didn’t make, or break my program and it didn’t drag me off course. I adapted to the proper portions that I should have been eating all along.

I also introduced myself to Shakeology. At first, I didn’t believe in the shakes. I thought it was a way for the company to make money. Again, I was wrong. The shakes really are my healthiest meal of the day. I’m drinking 2 to 3 a day! I’m also eating 5-6 meals a day too. I’m using those shakes to supplement my nutrition. They give me TONS of energy, rebuild my muscles after an intense workout, and they keep me full after I drink one. One shake is equivalent to one red container. That means I am getting all of the nutrients I need and keeping full without having to tap into more than one container. The highest container counts come from your red (protein). It was starting to become a chore to make sure I always had some protein available for snacks and meals. With the shakes, I just grab and go. No fuss at all and it only takes a few seconds to prepare in my shaker cup, which was provided in my program kit for free!

The workouts are amazing! I had never pushed myself to those limits before. The modifier in each workout is also incredible. I used the modified version until I was strong enough and felt good enough without it. By using the modifier, I was almost getting a 2 for 1 inside of my program. I was able to graduate to a more intense workout without having to purchase another program. When I felt I could get through the regular routine without modification, I upped my weights! That added an entirely different level of intensity. Again, I did not have to use ANOTHER program, or spend more money. I used the resource I had, but modified by adding heavier weights. I got better results too!

I would highly recommend this program to anyone. It’s a great tool to have in your back pocket. There are so many ways that you can modify this program to get results. If you’re a person that needs to lose a lot of pounds, ensure that you’re following the eating guide and workouts 100%. That way, you’ll lose those pounds without sacrificing your body by having tons of flabby skin. You’ll lose AND tone. Once you’ve lost that weight and extra fat, you can use the program to maintain your weight, but to intensify the definition in your muscles! That’s what I was using it for and I can tell you IT WORKS. It’s amazing to see a program that can be geared towards people who want to lose weight and to those that just want to maintain, but build muscle. It’s flexible, which is why I think it’s completely worth every penny. For those of you beginning with the 21 day fix regular version, You can graduate to this extreme version when you feel comfortable. It’s just another goal for you to work towards in this big journey you’re on!

Below are my result pictures. I’m so incredibly proud of myself. I started my second round today. I cannot wait to see what changes I make in my body over the next 21 days! Whose with me?! Send me a message if you’re interested in making a life change, message me!!!!

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